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About the School



Loyola School, Telco is run by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a religious order of the Catholic Church and founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. The Jesuit Educational Objective is to produce men and women who have a deep faith in God and in their fellowmen and imbued with this faith, to work for justice and equality.


In India, keeping this in mind, the Jesuits have established many schools and colleges in which young men and women belonging to every social status, community and linguistic group, are educated through the medium of English and other regional languages.


In Jamshedpur, among many such Jesuit schools, we have Loyola School, Beldih, Bistupur and Loyola School, Telco. Both these schools are governed, managed and administered by Loyola Jamshedpur, a registered society, registered under the Societies Registration Act 21, 1860. The Governing Body of Loyola Jamshedpur  constitutes the governing body of the school. The responsibility for the day to day running of the school is vested with the school administration.


Loyola receives no government or private aid; fees are its only income. Hence, fees have to be adjusted from time to time to keep up with rising costs and salaries.


As a Catholic school, Loyola draws inspiration and guidance from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Special attention is paid to the faith formation of Catholic students through weekly religion classes, the option to attend Mass when it is celebrated, recollections, and the annual retreat.